When you sign a letter of commitment you are expected to put your practice time and performance time with your guard above anything else. This season both guards will only practice on weekends, so rehearsals must be of high quality, because you will not have the high quantity of rehearsals. Missing any rehearsal will be severely frowned upon, but please DO NOT wait until the last minute. With some members traveling over an hour, a two hour notice is necessary. Be sure to check your calendars for the season to alert the staff well in advance. This helps in planning competition days. Failure to communicate could end up being very detrimental to your membership. We also ask that you do not plan family events during the season unless they are scheduled around the guards schedule. Members and staff will tell you that running a rehearsal with missing people is … awful!! Please keep in mind that everyone performs so everyone needs to be present.

There may occasionally be exceptions. Those will be handled on a case by case basis.

It is important to realize that when you miss a blocking rehearsal, Alive Winter Guards reserves the right to write you out of the show until it is convenient for you to be written back in.

There is much to do in preparation for rehearsal. This will be sorted and explained in the first couple practices.

We recommend that if you do not have a flag bag, you purchase one. It keeps your equipment together and protects the fabric of the flag.

Costumes and some equipment is funded through Alive unless you own your own. Though your dues help fund these items, unless otherwise told, you are to return your costume and all borrowed equipment at the conclusion of the season.

More specifics are covered in the handbook each member receives.