LWGW - was started in the fall of 2020 when some staff members were talking about going to Dayton to compete. The Pandemic was raging on, but we had access to our rehearsal space pretty much whenever we wanted it because we were under the limit permitted to gather. Following the appropriate CDC guidelines we began to meet on Sunday afternoons, just to see. WGI was asking for 10 members to compete and we were constantly at 9. When it appeared the IA guard was not going to be successful in this crazy season, the IA guard was folded (only for the season) and members were invited to join the World guard. Things began to get serious around Christmas, but so did the pandemic so we took a long break over the holiday. We returned after the first of the year and continued our training and the development of our first show “Taking Their First Breath.” The show was designed by our Creative Director, Kim Ely-Jones and it was beautiful. Over the course of the season Kim was able to bring in members from Blue Devils, Boston Crusaders, and Blue Coats as well as AMP World Guard to work with the us. The judges did their best to evaluate us fairly and constructively. As our first season came to a close with everyone realizing that we helped each other through a horrible time in our world’s history. We have been working this summer to improve skills we lacked last season. We hope to have a good turn out for this group in November. You have to start somewhere because if you never start, you’ll never know where you might have finished. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of this group during its inaugural year.

End of the season crazies

End of the season crazies